How to Compile A Java Program In the Command Line?

8 minutes read

To compile a Java program in the command line, you first need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer. Once you have the JDK installed, you can open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where your Java file is located.

Next, use the 'javac' command followed by the name of the Java file you want to compile. For example, if your Java file is named, you would type 'javac' and press Enter.

If there are no errors in your Java code, the compiler will create a separate file with a .class extension for each class in your program. You can then run your compiled Java program using the 'java' command followed by the name of the main class. For example, if your main class is named HelloWorld, you would type 'java HelloWorld' and press Enter to run your program.

If there are any errors during compilation, the compiler will display error messages indicating what needs to be corrected in your code. You will need to fix these errors before you can successfully compile your Java program.

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How to troubleshoot common errors while compiling a Java program in the command line?

  1. Make sure you have set up your environment variables correctly for Java. Check if the JAVA_HOME and PATH are set correctly.
  2. Check if you have saved the Java file with the correct extension (.java).
  3. Check for syntax errors in your Java code. Common errors include missing semicolons, incorrect brackets, misspelled class or method names, etc.
  4. Make sure you are in the correct directory where the Java file is located.
  5. Check if there are any typos in the command you are using to compile the Java file.
  6. If you are using packages in your Java program, make sure the package structure matches the directory structure.
  7. Check if you have any dependencies that are not being included in the classpath during compilation.
  8. If you are using external libraries, make sure they are correctly referenced in the classpath.
  9. Check for any conflicts between class names that may be causing errors.
  10. If you are still facing issues, try cleaning the project and rebuilding it before compiling again.

What is the purpose of compiling a Java program?

The purpose of compiling a Java program is to translate the human-readable Java source code into machine-readable bytecode that can be executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). By compiling the program, syntax errors can be detected and fixed before running the program, making it easier to identify and correct errors in the code. Additionally, compiling the program allows it to be portable and run on any platform that has a JVM installed, without the need to recompile the code for each platform.

How to compile a Java program with different JDK versions in the command line?

To compile a Java program with different JDK versions in the command line, you can use the following steps:

  1. Set up the appropriate JDK version on your system by downloading and installing it from the Oracle website or any other reputable source.
  2. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory where your Java program is located.
  3. Use the "javac" command to compile your Java program with the desired JDK version. You can specify the JDK version by providing the full path to the "javac" executable for that particular version.

For example, if you have JDK 8 installed on your system and you want to compile your Java program using JDK 8, you can use the following command:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_291\bin\javac

  1. If you want to compile your Java program with a different JDK version, simply replace the path to the "javac" executable with the path to the desired JDK version.

By following these steps, you can easily compile your Java program with different JDK versions in the command line.

How to compile a Java program with custom compiler flags in the command line?

To compile a Java program with custom compiler flags in the command line, you can use the javac command followed by the desired flags. Here is an example of how to compile a Java program with custom compiler flags:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains your Java program file (e.g.,
  3. Use the following command to compile your Java program with custom compiler flags:
javac -flag1 -flag2

Replace flag1 and flag2 with the specific compiler flags you want to use. Some common compiler flags you can use include:

  • -d : Specifies the destination directory for the compiled class files.
  • -cp or -classpath : Specifies the classpath for your Java program.
  • -source : Specifies the Java source version.
  • -target : Specifies the Java target version.
  • -Xlint : Enables lint warnings.

For example, if you want to compile your Java program with the -d flag to specify the destination directory for class files, you can use the following command:

javac -d bin

  1. After running the javac command with your custom compiler flags, check if any errors or warnings are displayed in the command prompt. If there are no errors, the Java program should be successfully compiled with the specified custom compiler flags.
  2. You can then run your compiled Java program using the java command followed by the name of the main class in your program. For example:
java -cp bin YourProgram

This will execute your Java program with the custom compiler flags specified during compilation.

How to compile a Java program using a third-party build tool in the command line?

To compile a Java program using a third-party build tool such as Apache Maven or Gradle in the command line, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the third-party build tool installed on your system. You can download Apache Maven from and Gradle from
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your Java project using the command line.
  3. For Apache Maven:
  • Run the command mvn clean compile to clean the project and compile the Java source code.
  1. For Gradle:
  • Run the command gradle build to build the project.
  1. After running the build command, the third-party build tool will compile the Java source code in your project and create the necessary output files.
  2. If there are any errors during the compilation process, the build tool will display them in the command line output. You will need to fix these errors before you can successfully compile the Java program.
  3. Once the compilation process is complete without any errors, you can run the compiled Java program using the appropriate command provided by the build tool (e.g., java -jar for Maven or java -cp for Gradle).
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